Why GOOGLE'S New Verified SMS ?
This is the new technology introduced by Google, where we can migrate the normal messages with the Unique Brand identity Logo, Brand Profile, information, Trusted and verification badge, Improve customer’s experience & trust, Eliminate spam messages, Fraud Detection and Control. Verified SMS is a service from Google that verifies the authenticity of the content from a Sender to the Recipient, thus protecting your customer from fraudsters who spoof SMS content. Enterprise Sends message over API integration to OS DIGITAL, and our platform delivers it using the operator gateway.
Features of Google Verified SMS:
• Registration of Unique Sender ID, Brands Logo for every Message.
• Brands Profile Information for more.
• Verified Logo to show the user is protected.
• Messages will receive with Verified with SMS badging.
• Unverified with question mark, Phishing link warning Mark as SPAM.
• Reporting of verified, unverified and marked as spam.
Benefits of Google Verified SMS:
• Unique Brand identity Logo.• Brand Profile information and verification.
• Strengthen user confidence on brands.
• Improve customers experience & trust.
• Eliminate spam messages Fraud Detection and Control.
• Summary: Delivered, Unverified, Spam.
Current Challenges of this Service:
1. Verified SMS only works with Google Messages App (Ver 5.4 onwards) in android handsets.
2. Apple users cannot avail this service.
3. Verified SMS doesn't support RCS messages.
4. All Android users who have signed in with Google Account on the Messages app can experience VSMS.
5. Verified SMS Supported countries are USA, Mexico, Brazil, India, Canada, Britain, France, Spain, Philippines.
OS DIGITAL's platform is ready for Google’s Verified SMS!

Messaging Service
- Transactional SMSService
- Service SMSService
- Promotional SMSService
- OTP SMSService
- Two Way SMSService
- Google Verified SMS Service
- RCS MessagingService
- API SMSService
Company Profile
You can download our company profile and see our most popular services which we offer for you.