OTP SMS Service
OTP SMS is the Service Implicit category of SMS service, this is mainly used to send One Time Password, Two Factor Authentication Opt-in subscription etc. Today everyone looking to do more secure their online system and OTP SMS plays very important role on it. It only allows user to login when he/they properly authenticated through the SMS and One time password received on their registered mobile number and entered to the application where he/they want to login. OTP SMS send through the 6 characters alpha sender id to the registered mobile number only, it can deliver 24x7 so that any one can use it when they need. There is no time boundation for the use of OTP SMS service.
1. One Time Password.
2. Two Factor Authentication.
3. Opt-in subscription.
We are India's reliable and fastest OTP SMS Service provider for your all types of triggered and authentication SMS. We are a OTP SMS Service provider in Raipur as well as all over India. The OTP SMS Service is used to send One Time Password to the registered mobile numnber through the API trigger. It provide Real time OTP SMS notification to the customer instantly through the personalize SMS services. We provide a robust platform for the Transactional SMS Service on which you can rely as never before. OTP SMS Service gives fast SMS delivery and 100% delivery on mobile if your mobile number is reachable on the network. OTP SMS can be sent 24x7 using the 6 characters Alpha Sender ID to DND and Non DND mobile numbers both.

Messaging Service
- Transactional SMSService
- Service SMSService
- Promotional SMSService
- OTP SMSService
- Two Way SMSService
- Google Verified SMS Service
- RCS MessagingService
- API SMSService
Company Profile
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