Everyone using the mobile and carries it with him/her any time, it makes HTTP API a successful verifier. Now we will go on the technology, how it function and why it is more secure than any other verification technique. Today, everyone register his mobile number when filling any online form and mobile is linked with many other application software, banking, wallets and many more places. HTTP API works in a trigger technology, it is very easy to integrate into any application. Most of the API has one user id and password or API key, one sender id, destination mobile number and message content to be sent to mobile number after the trigger.
I would like to introduce different types of API to be configured according to the requirement of customers and places. The HTTP APIs are handling different level of HTTP trigger and different language of submission. HTTP API Key or user name and password helps to login to SMS/VOICE application, Sender id is a six character alpha short name of any brand, mobile number is the destination mobile number on which you want to send the SMS/VOICE and message is a text/voice message want to send on destination mobile number.